Material Testing Services for Products and Components

Material Testing Services for Products and Components—

Innovatech Labs specializes in providing solutions through material testing. To ensure total quality from manufacturing to the end user, products and components often need to have material testing conducted.

Problems stemming from the material composition of components and products sometimes causes production issues disrupting the flow of business. Strategic material testing at specific stages of production can catch small issues before they become problematic for your business.

If your company has limited testing resources, here are some ways that our material testing lab can help meet your material testing needs:

• Have you encountered discoloration, particles, or residue on the surface of a component or product? Our analysts are materials characterization experts who can help you troubleshoot.
• Is a polymer based component showing undue signs of wear and stress? Material testing methods can help find the root of the problem.
• Are you concerned about particles on a product to be used in a critical environment? Our analysts are able to evaluate their size and quantity.
• Do you want to compare your product to that of a competitor, or to evaluate offerings from an alternative vendor? Material testing is part of the reverse engineering process.

Analysts at Innovatech Labs are experienced in identifying microscopic materials, impurities, contaminants, and generally helping production teams analyze component materials. Our highly experienced material testing team knows how to work through unique problems and find actionable solutions.

The material testing methods available through Innovatech Labs test the physical and chemical properties of products and their components. Click below to learn more:

FTIR analysis
Light Microscopy
Ion Chromatography
Thermogravimetric analysis

Material Testing is Our Specialty

If you are concerned about the performance or integrity of a product or component, ask Innovatech Labs about our material testing services for product analysis.

Contact us today and see how we can help you keep your production lines or research progress rolling and your business on track.